Flore Maquin is one of the designer artists who has made significant studies in the field of digital art. The artist, who is 28 years old and has been interested in graphic design for many years, is also the art department of the university. The artist, who performs both personal and corporate projects in the field of graphic design, is sometimes used in different platforms and is very famous. The artist who works with organizations such as Festival de Cannes, Nikon Film Festival, BBC Studios, Universal Pictures, Rockyrama Magazine, Paramount Channel, Steve Aoki DIM MAK, ESPN, Fubiz & Europacorp and Billboard Magazine are quite famous in this area. You can visit the personal website of the artist to examine the work of different movie posters.
The artist generally prepares different and original movie posters based on the portraits of the characters in the films. The artist’s posters, which use the digital painting tools in all his works, are generally used as virtual media poster.

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